How To Activate Spell Check In Latex For Mac

Atom-LaTeX is an extension for, aiming to provide all-in-one features and utilities for LaTeX typesetting with Atom.


By following this procedure you can enable or disable a spell check in Windows 10. Despite changing the settings there are some applications that need their own settings of spell checking. For example, Windows 10 Mail app and OneNote etc., Application like these need their own settings of spell checking. I often need to write emails in French that contain English technical words and it seems that the spell check in OSX can't understand that a document can contain both languages. The result is either French or English words are red-underlined and this isn't pretty.

The original package author James-Yu switched back to Visual Studio Code since late March 2017. If you prefer VS Code as well, check out the sibling of this package LaTeX-Workshop.


Some features have screenshots/screencasts available here. Have a check!

How to activate spell check in latex for mac free
  • Compile LaTeX with BibTeX
  • Preview PDF with build-in viewer
  • Parse LaTeX compiling log
  • Autocomplete
  • Syntax highlighting
  • Direct and reverse SyncTeX

If you figured out some neat features, that you'd like included, create an issue!

Why another LaTeX package?

Unification provides a seamless experience. Aiming to make it work and work perfectly.


  • LaTeX distribution in system PATH. For example, TeX Live.
    • Please note MikTeX does not ship with SyncTeX. See this link for a possible solution.
  • Set LaTeX root file.


Installing Atom-LaTeX is simple. You can find it in the package registry, or simply run apm install atom-latex from the command line.

For cutting edge features or changes, you can clone this repository to the Atom package folder:

  • Windows %USERPROFILE%.atompackages
  • Mac/Linux $HOME/.atom/packages


All commands can be invoked from PackageAtom-LaTeX menu or from the command palette. Alternatively, keybindings are provided. Each command is invoked if the two key combinations are pressed sequentially.

For reverse SyncTeX from PDF to LaTeX, use ctrl+Mouse Left Click in the PDF viewer to reveal the line in editor.

Mac OS users can use command key as a replacement of ctrl.

CommandDefault KeybindFunction
atom-latex:buildctrl+L ctrl+BBuild LaTeX file.
atom-latex:build-herectrl+L ctrl+HBuild LaTeX using active text editor file if possible.
atom-latex:cleanctrl+L ctrl+CClean LaTeX auxillary files.
atom-latex:previewctrl+L ctrl+PPreview generated PDF file with in-browser viewer.
atom-latex:killctrl+L ctrl+KTerminate current LaTeX building process.
atom-latex:synctexctrl+L ctrl+SDirect SyncTeX from the current cursor position.
atom-latex:toggle-panelctrl+L ctrl+LToggle Atom-LaTeX panel display.

Setting the LaTeX root file

A LaTeX root file is essential for Atom-LaTeX. Building, preview, autocompletion, and more features rely on its proper configuration. Atom-LaTeX provides multiple methods of setting this up.

  1. Open the root file, then use the Build Here command. Alternatively, use Build LaTeX from active editor menu item.

  2. Manually select the file by clicking the home icon on the control panel

  3. Add a magic comment % !TEX root = pathtorootfile.tex to all of your LaTeX source file. The path can be absolute or relative.

  4. Create a project specific .latexcfg file at the root directory of your project. The file should contain a JSON object with root key set to the root file. For example:

  5. If all previous checks fail to find a root file, Atom-LaTeX will iterate through all LaTeX files in the root directory and set the first file with the sequence begin{document} as the root file.

You can choose one or multiple methods stated above to set the root file.

How To Activate Spell Check In Latex For Mac

Setting up a toolchain

By default latexmk is used to automate the LaTeX building sequence. This tool is bundled in most LaTeX distributions, and requires perl to execute.

If latexmk fails, the custom toolchain is utilised which by default sequentially runs the typical pdflatex>bibtex>pdflatex>pdflatex command chain:

Multiple commands should be separated by &&. Placeholders %TEX,%ARG and %BIB will be replaced by tools defined in the settings menu%DOC will be replaced by the root LaTeX filename (without extension), while %EXT gives the file extension

For non perl users, other automatic LaTeX helper utilities such as texify or arara can also be configured.

  • Sample custom toolchain configuration for texify

Do note that texify requires the complete root file name with extension to compile.

  • Sample custom toolchain configuration for arara

Have a look at this comment for more details on setting up arara

Enable spell check

  • Open the settings panel of Atom core package spell-check.
  • Add text.tex.latex to the Grammars section.

Project-based Configuration

Atom currently does not provide per-project configuration. Atom-LaTeX uses a .latexcfg file with a JSON object under the root directory of the LaTeX project to partially control its behaviour. Following is a complete example of its content.

If a key is set, the configuration will overwrite the global one in atom settings.

Set per-project LaTeX toolchain

If LaTeX projects need special toolchains, one can add a toolchain key to the .latexcfg file. For example:

This example will only use the defined compiler in atom configuration to build the project.Alternatively, you can also directly specify compilers such as:

Support for non .tex files

Atom-LaTeX has limited support to LaTeX source files with a non .tex extension. To consider such files as valid LaTeX documents, one can add a latex_ext key to the .latexcfg local configuration file. An example:

Note that the value must be a JSON array, even when there is only one alternative file extension.

How To Activate Spell Check In Latex For Mac Pro

Sample toolchain for knitr

Have a look at this thread for more options for custom toolchains.


How To Activate Spell Check In Latex For Mac Free

  • Create issues for bugs
  • Fork and PR for fixes
  • Thank you so much!