Pocsag Decoder Software For Windows

Multimode Radio Data Decoder Softwarefor decoding
12 ARQ modes, 10 FEC modes, 3 packet modes and many others ...

  1. RadioRaft, official UK site. RadioRaft is an automatic decoder of numerous modes of radio data transmission on shortwaves, VHF or UHF. RadioRAft decodes RTTY Baudot, NAVTEX, ACARS, GMDSS-DSC, POCSAG, PACTOR, PACKET, SITOR, numerous ARQ and FEC modes, CW Morse, RUM-FEC, ASCII, CIS-11, HNG-FEC, AUTOSPEC, SPREAD.
  2. Added Windows Vista compatibility. 2003-08-04: Version 2.10; Fixed context menu based deletion of list entries; 2003-07-28: Version 2.09; Fixed blocking of TCP/IP interface. External programs are now called with arguments RIC FUNC MSG; Filters can match aliases. 2003-07-23: Version 2.08; Alias now row of printout. OnTop on Filtermatch now.
  3. The RTL-SDR software defined radio combined with SDRSharp, and a POCSAG/Flex capable decoding application can be used to decode pager messages. With this setup you can receive pager messages from all pager users on the system. If you don't know what a pager is, since they are now uncommon, here is a brief explanation from Wikipedia.
  4. Back in March we posted about 'OpenEar' which was a newly released Windows TETRA decoder for RTL-SDR dongles. Back then the author 'moneriomaa' noted that he planned to add several new modes. In the release that is currently available, OpenEar now supports TETRA, DMR, Pocsag, ADS-B as well as standard AM and NFM modes. We tested the software.

Jul 14, 2018 After some quick searching, I discovered that this is the frequency used to transmit data to pagers. Specifically, it is the POCSAG asynchronous protocol. Installing the necessary software on OSX was straightforward: brew install gqrx brew install sox brew tap dholm/homebrew-sdr brew install -HEAD dholm/sdr/multimon-ng.

By François Guillet F6FLT EspañolFrancaisDeutsch

What RadioRaft is

RadioRaft is a multimode radio data decoder software,created by François Guillet, F6FLT. It allows decoding the most of the data transmissionmodes used by many services: maritime, aeronautical, emergency, radioamateurs, pressagencies, embassies, armed forces, police, humanitarian expeditions...
For more details on the features, see below the 'Modes andfeatures' section.

RadioRaft was primarily intended for enthusiasts inradio technology but several organisations use it now for professional monitoring as well asnovices and beginners because it's so easy to use.

What You Need for RadioRaft:


In order to run RadioRaft you need at least a PC 486 or Pentium with a 3'5 diskette driver, MsDOS 6.2 or above, VGA screen, a COM port, a radio receiver and a simple interface connecting the speacker or audio output to the COM port.

After installing RadioRaft on your PC, just connect your PC to the receiver through the interface (HamComm/JVFAX compatible), or through one of the range of Pervisell Demodulators, and RadioRaft works.


The RadioRaft software package includes the completedocumentation in 2 files: the RadioRaft user's main guide andthe RadioRaft modes user's guide. They are provided both inHTML and TEXT format. You may read them right now from your browser. They are alsoavailable from the 'Help' menu when RadioRaft is running.

Modes and features

The RadioRaft functioning is fully automatic. You just need to tune your receiver on a station using a compatible mode (see the list below). RadioRaft tracks the signal, searches for the right mode, the right speed, the right shift and displays any possible text in just a few seconds.

In short, it offers all features that make radio data decodingeasy, practical and fast.

Pocsag Decoder Software For Windows Xp


GitHub - Baycom/poc32: POCSAG Decoder For Windows

DecodingDisplay, Printing
Automatic mode detection/identificationToolsPossible window to display the status of the reception (phasing, repetitions, errors...)
Automatic speed detectionFrequencymeterGraphic frequency/shiftmeter
Automatic shift detectionShiftmeterPossible display of special non printable characters
Automatic signal tracking (no need to precisely tune the receiver)Baudmeter

Several available video modes

Demodulations :
DIGIT mode for bit by bit analysis, with numerous optionsInstantaneous language swap,
French / English
Parameters of the automatic decoding strategy are modifiable by userSet of particular options for the most of modesPrinter selectable
Speed from 10 up to 6400 bauds,
at any mode
Help on lineContinuous or on request printing, into a file or a printer


Modes of radio data transmissions that RadioRaft decodesare:

Asynchronous or quasi-synchronous modes FEC modes
BAUDOTARQ semi-duplex modes SITOR-B (Amtor-B)
ASCII (7 or 8 bits, parity or not)SITOR-A (Amtor-A)
POCSAGARQ full-duplex modes
ARQ-6/90 & ARQ-6/98CIS 11 (Torg 11)ARQ-M2
Packet modes and miscellaneous SI-ARQ 4, 5, 6, 7FEC-A (Fec-1000)ARQ-M4
ACARSDUP-ARQ (Artrac)SPREAD 11, 21, 51


All mode designations are in accordance with the KlingenfussRadio Data Code Manual, 15th edition. See Klingenfuss Publicationto obtain more information on books about radio decoding and on frequency lists.

Here is the list of modes by alphabetical order. Click the modeto get more details by entering the RadioRaft mode user's guide.

SITOR-B (Amtor-B)SPREAD (11, 21, 51)SWED-ARQUOSAT Oscar-111382

Obtain RadioRaft

You may get the RadioRaft decoder software from the Internetnetwork, for installation on your PC. What you need to do is:

  1. Download the software to your PC (file Raft321.exe or Raft321.zip)
  2. Expand the archive file Raft321.zip or execute the file Raft321.exe in a directory on your hard disk (Raft321.exe is a self-extracting program)
  3. Execute RR.EXE for a quick start, or see the file ReadMe.txt for more details about the installation

Click here to download RadioRaft version 3.21, ZIP file:

Or click here to download RadioRaft version 3.21,self-extracting file:

Before you go any further, just take a look at the Screen Shots

For the 'Windows only' users:

Windows users not familiar with DOS may download also these 2 files. Theyare not required to run RadioRaft. They just simplify the launch.
Click here to download the RadioRaft Windows launchers:

RRlauncher (files RRrealMode.pif and RRunderWindows.pif 2Kb)

Extract the .pif files from the .zip archive and putthem onto your desktop or in a folder.
RunRadioRaft by just clicking them.

The first one launches RadioRaft in real mode DOS as youwouldn't have a Windows environment. It is the best way to run RadioRaft. Seethe section 'RRand Windows' for more details.

RadioRaft free version

The software package that you download permits you to install a free version, not limited in time. It has all the features of the full version but a limited number of modes. You can receive CW Morse, SITOR-A (or Amtor-A), ARQ-E, FEC-A, BAUDOT. The 'DIGIT' mode for bit by bit analysis is also available.
From the free version you may also make a diskette that permits you to install the full version if you register.

Get RadioRaft full version

For receiving all the modes noted in 'Modes and features', you need to register. See the file'Order.txt' for all details.
When RadioRaft free version is running, you can also get and print the order form from themenu '
Help/Obtain the full version'

You can install the full version only from a diskette. If you have installed the freeversion, you may create yourself a RadioRaft disk (menu '
File/Createa diskette'). This permits you to save time and money.

Payments by credit cards are accepted only by authorised distributors. If you are in hurry to use RadioRaft and want speedy registration, contact Pervisell Ltd (UK) or Dieter DIPPEL (Germany).

Update from version 2.xx

The update for the registered users of RadioRaft 2.xx is £13.99. Proceed as for the full version but enter your Version 2.xx code in the 'Call Sign' boxon the order form and you will automatically only be charged £13.99.

Pocsag Decoder Free Download - SourceForge

Update from version 3.00 / 3.20

The update from version 3.00 / 3.20 is free, but only by Internet. Neither the author nor Pervisell provide the upgrade by mail. If you are registered user for version 3.00 / 3.20, all you have to do is:

- download the software package as indicated above.
- copy all the files to your original RadioRaft diskette, version 3.00 / 3.20 (you may directly expand the ZIP file on the diskette). You must replace the previous files with the new ones.
Don't use a diskette other than the one that you used to install the full version 3.00 / 3.20.
- install again from the diskette. Use the same confidential code as for version 3.00 / 3.20. Youcan install in the same directory as the previous version.

Note: if your diskette have no tag to remove the writeprotection, mask the write protection hole with a sticker on both sides of the diskette,copy the files and remove the sticker before installing the software.

Radio/PC interface, distributors


What hardware to use? A simple interface. Here it is:

More on the interface and its connection (to the user'sguide)

If you are not familiar with electronics could obtain an interface that is ready to use. The following distributors in UK, GERMANY, FRANCE, USA provide interfaces sucessfully tested with RadioRaft by the author:


  • PERVISELL Ltd , 8 Temple End, High Wycombe, Bucks, HP13 5DR, GREAT BRITAIN - Tel (International) + 44 1494 443033 (UK) 01494 443033 or Fax +01494 448236
  • PERVISELL Ltd is an authorised distributor of RadioRaft full version.
    Pervisell sells SIX 'Hamcomm' type interfaces built in compact cases, without need of external power supply. Two of them can also be used for transmitting and two are compatible with the Pocsag mode.

  • Dieter DIPPEL , DF4RD, Muggenhofer Str. 193, D- 90429 Nürnberg, GERMANY - Tel/fax 0911 3 18 79 48
  • DIPPEL is an authorised distributor of RadioRaft full version.
    Dieter DIPPEL sells receiving only and receiving/transmitting interfaces built in compact cases. They don't need external power supply.

  • COMELEC, Z.I. des Palluds, BP 1241, 13783 AUBAGNE cedex, FRANCE - Tel 04 42 82 96 38, Fax 04 42 82 96 51
  • COMELEC proposes 2 interfaces (all of them with transmission capabilities):
    - the 'Ham-Comm Nuova Elettronica LX.1237' that needs a separate 12v power supply and has an input filter to exclude out of band signals.
    - the CQFT9601, which is multipurpose : a switch allows you to select the Hamcomm interface mode (position 'Rtty/CW/Fax/SSTV'), the 'Meteo' mode for satellites meteorological pictures, and the 'Packet 1200 bauds' mode.
    In position 'Packet', the CQFT9601 is a REAL demodulator. With RadioRaft, you will decode not only Packet 1200 bauds, but also any FSK modes, at any speed up to 1200 bauds. The results will be better than with the interface, but the Pocsag and Acars modes are not available. In RadioRaft, you must select 'Modem' in the 'Options' menu instead of 'Interface' that is used with the CQFT9601 in position 'Rtty/CW/Fax/SSTV'.

  • TIGERTRONICS , 400 Dally Lane, Po Box 5210, Grants Pass, Oregon 97527, USA - Tel 541 474-6700
  • TIGERTRONICS sells the BP-2M modem which is multipurpose. Tigertronics made a RadioRaft review with their product. BP-2M was not yet tested here. See their pages for more details.

Version History of RadioRaft

  • Version 2.00 - First version
  • Version 2.01 - Correction of the English documentation (no modifications of the executable files).
  • Version 2.12 - COM3 and COM4 now supported. F2 key added for screen clear. Off-line Dutch documentation provided.
  • Version 2.13 - Off-line German documentation provided.
    If you are registered user of RadioRaft 2 and want download again the software, click here: RRaft213.exe (301 ko)
  • Version 3.00 - 6 new reception modes
    - shiftmeter added
    - signal tracking improved and extended to AM/CW demodulation
    - new modulation modes, independant of the reception modes
    - improvement of FSK decoding, by separate mark/space demodulations
    - better protection against false detection in scanning mode
    - better protection against errors due to propagation effects
    - new manual settings for the modes of functioning
    - many new options
  • Version 3.20
    - CW Morse added in the free version
    - 2 new modes: DGPS and 1382
    - 1 new demodulation type: MSK
    - continuous printing to a printer or a file
    - automatic detection of special CRC in PACTOR-I
    - improvement of narrow shift FSK demodulation
    - improvement of the signal indicator for FFSK modes
    - new keyboard shortcuts and miscellaneous improvements
  • Version 3.21
  • - Improvements in DGPS and GMDSS modes

If you are registered for a version 3.xx, you may install anyversion from 3.00 up to 3.99.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) on RadioRaft

  • Does RadioRaft decode FAX, G-TOR, CLOVER, PSK31...?
  • RadioRaft currently does not decode any other modes than those listed in the Features section.

  • Does RadioRaft decode NAVTEX?
  • NAVTEX is not a transmission mode. NAVTEX is a system of messages sent to navigators, using the SITOR-B transmission mode on the frequency of 518 kHz. When you select SITOR-B, RadioRaft displays NAVTEX messages as they are. The heading of a NAVTEX message is formatted, and the rest is as plain text.
    Note that in Europe, unidentified stations transmit at 100 bauds on 510.5 and 521.5 KHz 24 hours a day. Don't confuse these with NAVTEX transmissions. NAVTEX occurs at a particular time (about every 4 hours) depending on the station and continues around 10 mn.

  • How does RadioRaft decode aeronautical bulletins or ACARS?
  • Figures, letters groups or Acars codes are displayed as they are. There is no 2nd level decoding .
    You need the specifications of the Acars mode to interpret all the fields. But air plane identifier and texts in the Acars frame are in ASCII plain text.

  • When could I use a sound card instead of the interface?
  • A sound card is the best way for entering the signal from the receiver. But the use of a sound card is not yet planned, question of time.

  • How can I improve the decoding?
  • - Filter the audio signal. You may use the PBT (pass band tuning) of your receiver, or an external filter as a DSP filter. You will have to adjust manually the filter's characteristics to each audio signal you are receiving. If you run RadioRaft from Windows (see below the section 'RadioRaft under Windows'), you can run a DSP software in the same time: pass the signal to the line input of the sound card and connect its output to the 'Hamcomm' interface.
    SR5 from John Reeve G8ROD is such a software with many efficient features. Download it from his site: www.ar5.com, at the section 'SR5'. It's a shareware with a time limited trial version.

    - Use a demodulator instead of the simple 'Hamcomm' interface.
    A 'Hamcomm' interface converts the analogue FSK signal from the receiver audio output into the same but square signal, compatible with the PC COM port.
    A demodulator converts the analogue signal into the data signal which is the stream of information bits.
    With the 'Hamcomm' interface, RadioRaft has to make itself the demodulation. But the demodulation of the square signal cannot be as good as this of the same analogue signal that could process an external demodulator. Be careful: 'Hamcomm' interfaces are sometimes named 'demodulators' by their distributors, when they have no function of demodulation.

  • Can I use a modem for a telephone line?
  • It is possible, but not simple. For FSK modes with speeds up to 300 baud, you need a modem with V.21 mode, and for 1200 baud V.22. The output of the modem must be connected to the CTS input of the serial port (not the RX input). See the RadioRaft documentation for more details about this subject.
    You can't use a phone modem for POCSAG.

  • When I restart in MsDOS mode from Windows 98, RadioRaft doesn't work.
    What can I do?
  • It is a Microsoft bug occuring on ACPI compatible PCs when the COM power management is set (ACPI = Advance Configuration and Power Interface). It is frequently encountered on notebooks.
    When restarting in MsDOS, the power for the COM port controller is switched off. All DOS programs are no longer able to access the serial ports.

    You may either change your registry as shown below, or Download the Pervisell Fix to prevent this problem. In either case, you need to disable ACPI for the COM port by modifying a key in the Windows registry. Be careful when modifying the registry. Save it before modifying.
    To modify the key, click the button 'Start' then 'Execute'.
    Write 'regedit' in the field then click OK.

    Here is the registry key you have to modify:


    Set the value from '01 00 00 00' to '00 00 00 00' and restart Windows.

    Then RR works each time when restarting from Windows into MsDOS mode.

  • I get a memory error when installing or running RadioRaft.
    What can I do?
  • RadioRaft needs 550 Kb to run. RadioRaft is a real mode DOS program, so it has access only to the conventional memory, i.e. 640 Kb maximum even tought you have 128 Mb installed on your PC!
    Unfortunatly when DOS starts, it uses a part of the conventional memory to place drivers for the screen, the keyboard, the mouse, the sound card...
    It is made by the files 'CONFIG.SYS' and 'AUTOEXEC.BAT' which are located on the root of your hard disk. You can edit these files and remove the lines installing drivers possibly not needed.

    If you run RadioRaft from the .pif files (see below the section 'RadioRaft under Windows'), you can set these parameters without having to modify the AUTOEXEC ET CONFIG files.
    Click right the icon 'RadioRaft real mode'. Select 'Properties' then the 'Program' tab.
    Go to the 'advanced setup'. 'MS-DOS mode' must be checked so this method can't be used for running RadioRaft in a Windows box.
    Specify our own configuration in the fields 'autoexec.bat' and 'config.sys'.

    To improve the DOS memory allocation for RadioRaft in a Windows environment, CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT may look like:




    REM ---------------------------------------------------
    REM Set the path for the mouse in the following line
    LH c:mousemouse.com
    REM ---------------------------------------------------
    REM Select your code page (850 is an example for French)
    REM The 2 following lines are not required with English standard.
    REM ---------------------------------------------------
    REM Select your keyboard (fr is an example for French)
    REM The following line may be removed when standard English keyboard is used.
    REM ---------------------------------------------------
    SET winbootdir=C:WINDOWS

RadioRaft under Windows

RadioRaft is a pure DOS program working in 'real mode' (see above the FAQ for more information, or if you get a memory error when RadioRaft starts).
Theoretically you have to boot your PC in DOS mode before launching RadioRaft.

RadioRaft is only compatible with Windows 98 and previous versions.
RadioRaft is not compatible with Windows 2000 or XP. If you have Windows 2000 or XP, you will have to boot your PC from a floppy disk with DOS, and your hard disk must have been formatted with FAT16 or FAT32 in order to be accessible from DOS.
Thanks to Barry Stone G6SRE for this useful tip

Nevertheless you may run RadioRaft without quitting Windows: with a Pentium II or more, the decoding is a bit disturbed but all's well up to 200 bauds. Faster the baud rate, worse the error rate: Windows slows the real time decoding process even if there is no other applications working in the same time. At 1200 bauds or more it's not possible to get a correct decoding under Windows.

In order to launch easily RadioRaft from Windows, two 'PIF' files are provided, outside of the RadioRaft package. See the section Download RadioRaft to get them. One permits to launch RadioRaft in real mode DOS as you would reboot your PC, the other one to run RadioRaft in the multi-task Windows environment with the inconvenient mentioned above.
Put these files onto your desktop or in the RadioRaft folder with shortcuts onto your desktop. You will get the 2 icons ('RR real mode' and 'RR under Windows').

If you have not installed RadioRaft in the default folder (C:RADIORAF), click right on the icons, select 'Properties' then the 'Program' tab and correct the path to access the RadioRaft directory.

'RR under Windows' runs RadioRaft in full screen mode. You can move to other Windows applications using the key Alt+Tab or coming back to a window using 'Alt+enter'. You may also modify the icon properties and choose the Window size in the 'program' tab.

For the best decoding, RUN RadioRaft from the 'RR real mode' icon.

Who developed RadioRaft, Requests

OpenEar: An Easy To Use Windows TETRA Voice Decoder

I'm François Guillet, F6FLT, a French radioamateur interestedin radio data decoding, and a programmer in assembler.

Questions on RadioRaft are welcomed, but only byemail.
Please don't ask me about frequencies or decoding in general(question of time!)
Special implementations or designs to customize the software: contact me for anestimate.

Email address: F6FLT@theoffice.netor radioraft@wanadoo.fr
Postal adress:

François Guillet
10 route des Goulets
44880 Sautron

Before contacting me for information, re-read the documentation. Answers to most of the questions you might ask are there (see the FAQ, order form, RadioRaft interface distributors, full version, list of frequencies, Glossary, What's new in version 3.21, RadioRaft user's main guide, RadioRaft modes user's guide).

What I am looking for is any information about protocols of new modes, as textdocumentation and audio files of recorded samples (.WAV format, 16 bits at 22 khz samplerate is enough). I would like to include them in RadioRaft (time permitting). Thanks inadvance for a possible help.

Links for decoding

Following is a list of links for those who are interested inradio data transmissions and who want to decode all signals on the air. Sorry, the list ismodest so far. It is just a beginning!

  • WUN -- The most complete site entirely dedicated to the reception of utility stations
  • HFFAX -- All you need for FAX and SSTV

Thank you for visiting F6FLT's Pervisell site!

Have you added this URL as bookmark to yourWWW Browser?

License: All 1 2 | Free

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Program to decode Morse code (CW) via sound card to text. It can work as narrow-band sound DSP-filter also. No additional hardware required - your need only receiver and computer (5x86-133 or better) with sound card. Can cooperate with RZ4AG AAlog logger. It is software Morse Decoder that REALLY work!

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Publisher: prvsoft.com, License: Freeware, Price: USD $0.00, File Size: 4.6 MB
Platform: Windows

264, 3GP, 3G2, FLV, F4V, MOD, and TOD etc like FLAC to MP3 Mac, M4A to MP3 Mac, CAF to MP3 Mac, OGG to MP3 Mac, AMR to MP3 Mac, MP4 to MP3 Mac, MOV to MP3 Mac and more. As a MP3 decoder, it also can convert MP3 to other popular audio formats including M4A, WMA, WAV, OGG, MP2, AIFF, AC3, AU, RA and more. 1.

Category: Audio / Rippers & Encoders
Publisher: Bigasoft.com, License: Shareware, Price: USD $19.95, File Size: 22.8 MB
Platform: Mac

Bigasoft WebM Converter for Mac is a powerful WebM/VP8 encoder as well as a professional VP8 /WebM Decoder. It can create and convert any video format including MP4, MOV, AVI, 3GP, FLV, H.264, MKV, WMV, RM, RMVB, VOB, Xvid, DivX, HD, and more to HTML5 supported WebM/VP8 format on Mac OS X. It can also convert WebM/VP8 to any other video format. Besides it can extract audio from WebM file...

Category: DVD & Video / Video Conversion
Publisher: Bigasoft.com, License: Shareware, Price: USD $39.95, File Size: 27.7 MB
Platform: Mac

Free CD to MP3 Maker is an extremely easy to use cd ripper and MP3 to WAV Decoder and WAV to MP3 encoder for Windows 9X/NT/Me/2000/XP. It copies the audio digitally-not through the soundcard-which enables you to make perfect copies of the originals. Rip CD to MP3,OGG, WMA,WAV,AAC,APE,FLAC,MPC and TTA.Which can convert audio formats MP3,OGG,WMA, WAV,AAC,APE,FLAC,MPC and TTA from one...

Category: Audio / Rippers & Encoders
Publisher: Adware-Stopper.Com, License: Freeware, Price: USD $0.00, File Size: 1.7 MB
Platform: Windows

In a world where things get even more complicated which takes you more time from this short life, to learn to use computer programs or other things, we try to make our software products to be very easy to use in order to use less of your time. Now we offer you the most easy to use All-in-one Audio Encoder & Decoder with built-in CD-Ripper. Ultimate Encoder is a high fidelity CDA/MP3...

Category: Audio / Audio Players
Publisher: Ultimate Systems, Inc., License: Freeware, Price: USD $0.00, File Size: 13.6 MB
Platform: Windows, Other

Pocsag pager

Bigasoft WebM Converter, an excellent WebM/VP8 Decoder as well as a professional WebM/VP8 encoder, can convert between WebM/VP8 and any other video format. It can create WebM/VP8 from any other video format including MP4, MOV, AVI, 3GP, FLV, H.264, MKV, WMV, RM, RMVB, VOB, Xvid, DivX, HD, AVCH, MTS, TS, etc. And it enables you to easily convert WebM/VP8 to any other video format...

Category: DVD & Video / Video Conversion
Publisher: Bigasoft.com, License: Shareware, Price: USD $39.95, File Size: 10.7 MB
Platform: Windows

The Code39 Decoder SDK is a robust and efficient library for reading/decoding, searching barcodes, and detecting barcode orientation. The SDK provides developers with complete control over every aspect of reading and decoding barcodes. developers can use a single function to read any barcode image or barcode frame. Since barcodes are often dirty, or otherwise imperfect, all of the...

Category: Software Development / Compilers & Interpreters
Publisher: AIPSYS Software Laboratory, License: Shareware, Price: USD $125.00, File Size: 293.0 KB
Platform: Linux, Android, Handheld/Mobile Other, Other

Are you looking for a digital terrestrial Decoder but haven't found the one that is ideal for you? Then, look no further as our site has the best deals and information about the kind of digital terrestrial Decoder you should buy.

Category: Home & Education / Miscellaneous
Publisher: Decoder Digitale Terrestrei Srl., License: Freeware, Price: USD $0.00, File Size: 735.0 KB
Platform: Windows

Why use an audio spectrum analyzer? For those of you that have done video installations, would you install a camera and lens without a monitor to see what you are doing? Why would you do an audio installation without seeing what you are doing? The analyzer gives you an inexpensive method to install audio systems (microphones, amplifiers, equalizers, concealments, etc) using a laptop computer,...

Category: Audio / Audio Players
Publisher: PAS-Products, License: Shareware, Price: USD $69.00, EUR57, File Size: 4.1 MB
Platform: Windows