Total War Warhammer 2 Aversion

  1. Total War: WARHAMMER II. No, but if you make a point to fight the same enemies you can start building bonuses to relationship that overshadow aversion.
  2. PLAYER GUIDES Welcome to the Total War: WARHAMMER II Academy, Commander! Here you'll learn all the skills you need to become the strongest leader in the New World. Every great leader starts somewhere, and with our tutorials you're sure to find something useful to help crush your enemies.
  1. Total War Warhammer 2 Tips
  2. Total War Warhammer 2 Aversion
  3. Total War Warhammer 2 No Aversion Mod

Total War Warhammer 2 is a turn-based game set in the Warhammer universe. Aversion is a game mechanic that is used to help balance out diplomacy and alliances. Aversion is used for mostly diplomatic reasons and to help keep the game true to its storyline. It slows down and even prevents alliances between races that have been enemies since the dawn of time and that don’t make friends with each other easily.

Odrysian Kingdom (TWR2 faction)

“Growth, progress, stability.”

The Odrysian Kingdom aspires to be something greater than a union of like-minded Thracian tribes. Eschewing the trappings of tribalism, Teres I united many of them following the collapse of Persian ambition in Greece, forming the Odrysian state with himself as king.

Despite the limited scope of Odrysian hegemony - the kingdom is bounded by the Black Sea and the River Danube - they are generally referred to as the 'Kings of Thrace'. Having allied themselves with Athens, the Odrysians spoke Greek and used it as their administrative language. Greek styles also permeated the Odrysian's military culture, its traditional cavalry nobility being augmented by infantry in phalanx formation.

Now that road networks and basic policies have been established, the groundwork is laid for a stable, civilised Thracian society. However, by the beginning of the 3rd century BCE, centralised royal power hasn't overcome tribal politics completely, and the kingdom's territory has effectively shrunk to a third of its original size as separatist tribes have gradually broken away.

Though reduced in stature, the Odrysian Kingdom has survived against the odds. Now, recovering from a period of instability following the death of Alexander the Great, its old enemy Macedon is rising once again. A successful conclusion to its war with Epirus may lead Macedon to attempt the re-conquest of former territory to the north and east, so there is prudence in re-establishing old alliances with the Greek city-states to the south. A united Odrysia could prove more than a match for its aggressive neighbours, and has the potential to conquer the entire region!

Odrysia produces some of the finest bowmen in the world, and any Odrysian general would be wise to take advantage of this when considering his army composition. They’re also fearsome raiders, drawing much income from the activity. However, a cultural aversion to the Hellenics means they have a difficult time currying favour with Greek factions.


Total War Warhammer 2 Tips

Available in the Pirates and Raiders Culture Pack.

Retrieved from ‘’
CategoryEmpire Legendary Lord
Unit size1
Cost (MP):1100 (850)
Melee attack:55
Melee defence:45
Charge Bonus:30
Damage Resist Magic:25
Damage Resist Missiles:15
Weapon Damage:230
Armour-Piercing Damage:150
Melee Interval:4 s
Magical Attacks:Yes
Flaming Attacks:Yes
  • Encourage: This unit provides a leadership bonus to nearby allies. Units within range of both the Lord's aura and an encouraging unit will receive the larger of the two bonuses.
  • Hide (forest): This unit can hide in forests until enemy units get too close.

Volkmar the Grim is an Empire Legendary Lord. 'Everything about him is bent to that one great task of holding back evil.' Volkmar, along with Karl Franz, are the two Legendary Lord choices for Reikland.

Volkmar requires The Grim and the Grave Lord Pack DLC.

Description[edit | edit source]

Volkmar the Grim is the head of the Cult of Sigmar and the most powerful religious leader in the Empire. He is a pious and foreboding man who is utterly devoted to the destruction of Chaosin allits forms. When the Grand Theogonist accompanies an army into battle, he typically rides atop the resplendent War Altar of Sigmar, inspiring the soldiers around him to great acts of heroism as he strikes the followers of Chaos down with powerful blows and words of divine force. Volkmar is a holy terror on the battlefield, a man who fights with the fury of Sigmar himself. It is said that Volkmar's soul was forged of steel and he fights the malign influence of Chaos with every fibre of his being.

Campaign effects[edit | edit source]

When chosen as starting legendary lord

  • Additional Starting Units
  • Lord Effects
    • Magic item drop chance: +20%
    • Weapon strength: +30% for Flagellants units
    • Upkeep: -30% for Flagellants units
    • +30% casualty replenishment Flagellants
    • +12% Physical Resistance Flagellants
    • +14 MD Flagellants

Attributes[edit | edit source]

  • Battle Prayers: This unit can learn prayers to support allies and defeat foes in battle.

Abilities[edit | edit source]

  1. Divine Power: Such is the strength of Sigmar's favour that enemies fail to act in the presence of such brilliance.
  2. Grand Hammer of Sigmar: The Warrior Priest implores Sigmar to imbue him with a modicum of divine strength, and now his hammer glows bright with power!
  3. Grand Shield of Faith: The Warrior Priest’s faith manifests in the form of a shield as hard as castle-forged steel.
  4. Grand Soulfire: A battle prayer that bathes the Warrior Priest in white, holy fire, sears Sigmar’s foes but leaves the supplicant unharmed.
  5. Benediction: The Warrior Priest passes the blessings of the Heldenhammer to the brave men around him.
  6. Faith's Bastion: A quick invocation of protection to Sigmar or Ulric will bless the implorer with a shield of godly faith, should they prove worthy.

Items[edit | edit source]

Strategy[edit | edit source]

Volkmar is a powerful lord who cannot be underestimated. He has regeneration, something no other Empire Lord has outside of support from the Lore of Life (and Boris). Volkmar on a chariot provides a terror causing mobile unit that can charge into infantry and then use his battle prayers to bombard the enemies around him or buff allies. His bonuses to Flagellants in campaign are nothing to scoff at either. 12% Physical resistance and 14 melee defence does worlds to improving their survivability in battle. On top of that, he has +30% casualty replenishment rate for them only. The incentives to give Volkmar a massive amount of Flagellants are huge. Given that he has an unbreakable front line, all Volkmar needs is devastating ranged units/artillery pieces, and a few cavalry units to harry the enemy backline.


Total War Warhammer 2 Aversion

Gallery[edit | edit source]

  • Alternate portrait

Regular Units
Legendary LordsKarl Franz · Balthasar Gelt
LordsBoris Todbringer · General of the Empire
HeroesEmpire Captain · Witch Hunter · Warrior Priest · Amber Wizard · Jade Wizard · Grey Wizard · Bright Wizard · Celestial Wizard · Light Wizard
MountsWarhorse · Barded Warhorse · Imperial Pegasus · Imperial Griffon
Melee infantrySpearmen · Spearmen (Shields) · Swordsmen · Greatswords · Halberdiers
Missile infantryCrossbowmen · Handgunners
CavalryEmpire Knights · Demigryph Knights · Demigryph Knights (Halberds) · Reiksguard
Missile cavalryOutriders · Outriders (Grenade Launcher) · Pistoliers
Artillery and war machinesGreat Cannon · Helblaster Volley Gun · Helstorm Rocket Battery · Mortar · Luminark of Hysh · Steam Tank
Legendary LordVolkmar the Grim
LordArch Lector
MountWar Altar of Sigmar
UnitsKnights of the Blazing Sun · Free Company Militia · Flagellants
Regiments of RenownHammer of the Witches · The Sunmaker · The Royal Altdorf Gryphites · Sigmar's Sons · The Tattersouls · The Silver Bullets · Stirland's Revenge · Zintler's Reiksguard · Templehof Luminark
Added free in The Amethyst Update for Total War: Warhammer II
HeroesAmethyst Wizard
The Hunter and the Beast paid DLC
Legendary LordMarkus Wulfhart
LordHuntsman General
HeroesKalara · Hertwig Van Hal · Rodrik L'Anguille · Jorek Grimm
UnitsArchers (Empire) · Huntsmen · War Wagon · War Wagon (Mortar)
Regiments of RenownDeathjacks · White Wolves · The Black Lions
Added free in The Empire Undivided Update for Total War:Warhammer II
Elector Count State TroopsCarroburg Greatswords · Swords of Ulric · Nordland Mariners · Stubborn Bulls · Sootson's Guns · Stir River Patrol · The Noble Sons Abroad · The Emperor's Wrath · Gunderson's Surefires · Knights of the Everlasting Light · Eldred's Guard · The Bordermen · Knights of Morr

Total War Warhammer 2 No Aversion Mod

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