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Title:Peer ID Conventions
Last-Modified:Thu Aug 30 22:19:08 2018 -0600
Author:David Harrison <dave@bittorrent.com>
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The 20-byte peer id field sent in tracker requests and in the peerhandshake has traditionally been used not only to identify peers butalso to identify the client implementation and version.

The mainline client sets the first character in the peer-id to Mfollowed by version number represented by ascii digits with major,minor and tiny versions separated by dashes. Examples includeM4-3-6-- or M4-20-8- for versions 4.3.6 and 4.20.8. The remainingbytes in the peer id are random. The following list was originallyderived from [1].

A number of clients begin the peer id with a dash followed by twocharacters to identify the client implementation, four ascii digits todenote version number, and a dash. As with mainline, the remainingbytes are random. An example is -AZ2060-.

Known clients that use this encoding style are

The following clients have been seen in the wild and need to be identified:

Shad0w with his experimental BitTorrent implementation and BitTornadointroduced peer ids that begin with a character which is``T`` in thecase of BitTornado followed by up to five ascii characters for versionnumber, padded with dashes if less than 5, followed by ---. Theascii characters denoting version are limited to the followingcharacters:

For example: 'S58B-----'... for Shadow's 5.8.11

As with other peer id formats, the remanining bytes are random. Thereare significant deviations from this explained here [2].

Known clients that uses this encoding style are:

BitComet produces peer ids that consists of four ASCII charactersexbc, followed by two bytes x and y, followed by randomcharacters. The version number is x in decimal before the decimalpoint and y as two decimal digits after the decimal point. BitLorduses the same scheme, but adds LORD after the version bytes. Anunofficial patch for BitComet once replaced exbc with FUTB. Theencoding for BitComet Peer IDs changed to Azureus-style as of BitCometversion 0.59.

XBT Client has its own style too. Its peer_id consists of the threeuppercase characters XBT followed by three ASCII digits representingthe version number. If the client is a debug build, the seventh byteis the lowercase character d, otherwise it is a -. Following thatis a - then random digits, uppercase and lowercase letters. Example:XBT054d- at the beginning would indicate a debug build of version0.5.4.

Opera 8 previews and Opera 9.x releases use the following peer_idscheme: The first two characters are OP and the next four digitsequal the build number. All following characters are random lowercasehexdecimal digits.

MLdonkey use the following peer_id scheme: the first characters are-ML followed by a dotted version then a - followed byrandomness. e.g. -ML2.7.2-kgjjfkd

Bits on Wheels uses the pattern -BOWxxx-yyyyyyyyyyyy, where y israndom (uppercase letters) and x depends on the version. Version 1.0.6has xxx = A0C.

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Queen Bee uses Bram``s new style: Q1-0-0-- or Q1-10-0- followed byrandom bytes.

BitTyrant is an Azureus fork and simply uses AZ2500BT + random bytesas peer ID in its 1.1 version. Note the missing dashes.


TorrenTopia version 1.90 pretends to be or is derived from Mainline3.4.6. Its peer ID starts with 346------.

BitSpirit has several modes for its peer ID. In one mode it reads theID of its peer and reconnects using the first eight bytes as a basisfor its own ID. Its real ID appears to use 03BS (C notation) asthe first four bytes for version 3.x and 02BS for version 2.x. Inall modes the ID may end in UDP0.

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Rufus uses its version as decimal ASCII values for the first twobytes. The third and fourth bytes are RS. What then follows is thenickname of the user and some random bytes.


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G3 Torrent starts its peer ID with -G3 and appends up to 9characters of the nickname of the user.

FlashGet uses Azureus style with FG but without the trailing-. Version 1.82.1002 still uses the version digits 0180.

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AllPeers takes the sha1 hash of a user dependent string and replacesthe first few characters with 'AP' + version string + '-'.

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This document has been placed in the public domain.